M.A.S.H. Marketing Admissions Supporting Healthcare
Marketing Admissions Supporting Healthcare (MASH) is a progressive organization, co-founded by Kerry Beck and Shandra Harcarik, who have worked together for over ten years and are deeply dedicated to the field of healthcare. Their mission is to exist as a community resource for Seniors, families, and professionals through education, special events, and networking. As MASH continues to grow, it offers free networking events for all healthcare professionals that are old-fashioned in the best way: local and in person.
The successful duo bonded years ago as the result of a common mindset. “Our philosophy of taking care of the patient first and everything else will fall into place, is something that we both share,” says Beck. “We both believe that there is always a new and better way of doing something and we wanted a networking group that helps people succeed both personally and professionally.
When you attend our meetings you will find eager colleagues, friends, and speakers that will provide meaningful information and tools to improve your business skills as well as valuable information for your clients.”
Beck’s career began with the study of Gerontology, Business Administration, and Human Resources at the graduate level. She has now been a part of the Senior Health Industry for over 20 years and worked everywhere from Skilled Nursing to Assisted Living to Hospitals. Currently, Beck is an Advisor for Senior Living Advisors, a compassionate, free community resource; they provide expert, personal guidance to families who need assistance in choosing quality and affordable living arrangements. Beck assists Seniors in making the next move to Independent Living, Personal Care Home, Assisted Living, or Secure/Memory Care.
“As an Advisor, we help the families every step of the way until their loved one has moved into the community of their choice,” says Beck. “I have always enjoyed working with people and strive to meet their needs. I help families navigate through difficult situations.”
Harcarik, RN, BSN, initially worked in Cardiac Care and other critical care units. She then became a clinical instructor for Duquesne University and was eventually offered a position in Medical Sales in the Home Health Field. She feels she found her niche as the Director of Marketing and Education for Gallagher Home Health Services.
“The Greater Pittsburgh area is a perfect location for Healthcare Collaboration,” Beck concludes. “There is such a diverse group of services provided that it is possible to meet someone new and learn something different at each MASH meeting. The organization strives to help everyone succeed.”